Listings/612 Malden Apartments
612 Malden Apartments

Sale Price: $2,225,000
For more information about this property, please contact the listing broker.
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Sale Summary
The owner of 612 Malden held the property for 45 years before contacting us to sell. They self-managed and deeply cared for this unique North Capitol Hill apartment.
Knowing that the timing was right in the market, the owner contacted Dylan Simon and Jerrid Anderson to sell the property after receiving a recommendation from a prominent Seattle-based real estate law firm.
The top priority for this sale was to create as little disruption for the owner’s long-term, valued residents. To accomplish this, Jerrid used the team’s local market knowledge and relationships to create a curated list of 20 top buyers rather than launching a broad marketing campaign.
The curated sales process resulted in four highly-competitive offers, which were leveraged to achieve the exact pricing guidance we provided the owner, and ultimately the selection of a buyer who posted non-refundable earnest money immediately, which provided confidence the buyer would meet the seller’s goals and expectations for the sale.
Our team worked directly with the buyer, a local investor who purchased the property to hold in their portfolio as a long-term investment.
Property Details
Sale Details
Open Google Maps612 Malden Apartments
612 Malden Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112
Units: 7
Price: $2,225,000